Friday, January 30, 2009

Welcome to Environmental Escapades of a Student!

Hello there! My name is Lauren, and I am currently a senior at the University of Minnesota Duluth, where I am pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Community Health Education and a minor in Biology. I am currently a student of HLTH 3500 Environmental Health at UMD. On this blog, I will converse with my fellow classmates and other bloggers about various topics related to environmental health. I am looking forward to this exciting opportunity!

There are 5 possible types of posts on my blog. They include:
1. Advocacy Project
2. Eye Openers
3. Reflections
4. Reviews
5. Share and Voice

If you notice at the bottom of this post, the categories will be listed as labels. This post is has been labeled with all five kinds of posts. You will also see the number of each kind of post in my Labels Gadget at the top of the page. All post titles from now on will begin with one of the categories above.

The members of my web group are:
1. Jessica
2. Hannah
3. Erika
4. Jeff

Want to subscribe and/or follow my blog? You can subscribe to my blog by clicking the subscribe gadget in the gadget column. You can also follow my blog by clicking "Follow this Blog" in the gadget column. I am subscribed to all the blogs in my blog list gadget. You can see my complete profile and all the blogs I am following by clicking on "See Complete Profile."

Overall, I expect I expect this class to be a great learning experience for me in various ways. I will be challenged to think about issues in the environment from all perspectives. In addition, I will be exposed to new concepts and ideas throughout my exploration of the environment. I hope to gain new insights about environmental health through discussion with classmates and other bloggers. Let the journey begin!


hschoof said...

Hey Lauren! I'm looking forward to being group members! I keep meaning to talk to you in class, do you remember me from New Ulm Soccer all those summers ago? :)

Unknown said...

Hey Lauren!

The picture on this post is really cool, I like it a lot! :) Looking forward to being group members and sharing our "findings" throughout the semester! :)

Toby said...

Hi Lauren! your blog looks good im totally digging the purple flowers haha! Thanks for the commment on the blog name and poll.

Jessica said...

Hey Lauren! your blog looks awesome I like the colors:) hopefully you can become my follower again. sorry about the two blogs:(

Dr. V. said...

The header and the photo above are amazing! I think you need to update your blog list gadget so everyone's posts are showing up. See me if you need help! :)

About Me

My photo
Lauren is currently a senior at the University of Minnesota Duluth, where she is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Community Health Education and a minor in Biology. During her free time, she enjoys the outdoors, cooking, and reading intriguing books.