Monday, May 4, 2009

Advocacy Project: The Salmon Challenge

The Salmon Challenge

Salmon Challenge is a game to help you see how your decisions help or harm our environment and our salmon. The environmental lessons learned from this game can also be applied to other wildlife and humans that use estuaries, rivers, lakes, and ponds for a variety of purposes.

Polluted runoff that enters rivers, lakes, and estuaries has a major impact on the environment and endangers the health of wildlife and humans. Polluted runoff comes from a variety of sources that are hard to regulate. However, there are several things you can do around your home to improve the water quality of rivers, lakes, and estuaries.

1. You will be given ten questions, just choose the best answer by clicking on it with your mouse. Good choices will help your salmon grow big and strong and migrate to Puget Sound, bad choices will harm or kill your salmon.
2. You may get a Water Quality Alert with no good solution.
3. Click on CHECKUP to see your salmon's current size, health and location.
4. Click on TRY to give your salmon a jumpstart if you discover it is sick.
5. Clicking on the arrow will take you to the next question
6. When you are finished with the game, post a comment about what you learned from it!
*NOTE: Salmon Challenge requires Shockwave Player plug-in (external link) to view the animations.

CLICK on the Salmon below to play!


Unknown said...

My neighbor decided to put antifreeze down the drain and killed my fish! Poor Allan is dead now after being in good health... and only after 5 questions :(

hschoof said...

Looks good, Lauren! I like the link to "do's and don'ts around your home" - very informational. I'm looking forward to doing this activity!

Jessica said...

good job! the game looks fun! im looking forward to trying it out and including it in my next eye opener:)

Toby said...

This looks like it could be a lot of fun. I'm excited to play it!

About Me

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Lauren is currently a senior at the University of Minnesota Duluth, where she is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Community Health Education and a minor in Biology. During her free time, she enjoys the outdoors, cooking, and reading intriguing books.