Friday, February 13, 2009

Reflection: Weeks 3 & 4

Class Happenings
The pace definitely picked up during the third and fourth weeks of class. We wrote reviews and commented on readings from the text using blogger. We also completed our first “Eye Opener” assignment using blogger. Many of my classmates posted “Share & Voice” information on their blogs. The first “ENVIRO-cool Blog Awards” were given by Dr. V. to students with unique blogs! Lastly, we watched and discussed the documentary, An Inconvenient Truth in class.

Environmental Exposure
Where do I start? A wide range of environmental issues have exploded into my consciousness in the past two weeks of class. In our readings from the text, we were exposed to the challenges we face in preserving our environment and the different aspects of environmental filmmaking. Our first “Eye Opener” assignment introduced us to the concept of ecological footprints. The “Share & Voice” posts were fun to read and allowed us to learn about environmental issues and ideas from the perspective of Dr. V. and our classmates. I can’t wait to see what future “Share and Voice” posts bring!

Brilliant Blogging
After four weeks of familiarizing myself with blogging, I am definitely more comfortable with the whole concept! For me, it was easiest to figure out all different aspects of blogging by playing around with the application rather than watching someone else show me how to do it. I am definitely a kinesthetic learner, something I didn’t realize about myself until I started to work with blogger! I am still having some difficulty learning exactly how the Google Reader application works and how to successfully apply it to my blog. It is my goal to master Google Reader in weeks five and six!

Personal Paradigm
After watching An Inconvenient Truth for the third time, my paradigm has changed. There are no significantly harmful consequences for attempting to lessen the effects of global warming. As Dr. V. also said, I’d rather improve the environment and be wrong about the effects of global warming than neglect the environment and suffer the irreversible consequences of global warming. What do we have to lose if we clean up our environment? What do we have to lose if we don’t?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Documentary Review: An Inconvenient Truth


The environmental documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, follows former Vice President Al Gore’s speech on global warming that he presents in various cities throughout the world. The film outlines issues related to global warming, including extreme weather, droughts, heat waves, and floods. The film also touches on government and corporate policy, greenhouse gas emissions, and carbon gas emissions. Gore’s main goal of the film is to make the issue of global warming a recognized problem worldwide.

inconvenient - not convenient especially in giving trouble or annoyance
truth - the body of real things, events, and facts
moral imperative - a principle originating inside a person's mind that compels that person to act
political issue - a social, economic, theological, spiritual, scientific or legal issue which has become a political issue, as a result of deliberate action or otherwise, whereby people become politically active over that issue
planetary effects - something that is produced by an agency or cause in relation to a large celestial body that revolves around the sun in the solar system
“canary in the coalmine” - coal miners in England and the US brought canaries into coal mines as an "early warning signal" for toxic gases, similar to how our earth is using melting ice shelves to warn us about global warming.

I believe Al Gore has an uncanny ability to educate while engaging people. I thoroughly enjoyed his narrative throughout the film because he conveys his message with humor and confidence. Although I feel that Gore uses many scare tactics throughout his film and that some of his scientific statements were exaggerated, I agree with his overall message: we have entered a period of consequences and we have a moral and ethical obligation to preserve our planet. Too many people are uncomfortable with change. I believe this is a change that NEEDS to happen, weather we want to or not. It frustrates me that the United States is the worst contributor to the global warming problem and the least willing to change. In the end, we are going to create more jobs and wealth in our economy by changing our old habits…maybe this is just what our ailing economy needs! I can’t imagine the disastrous consequences my future children or I will suffer if we choose not to act…our only home is at stake and I want future generations to be able to witness its beauty! I believe that this film is a must see for all people, whether they are believers or skeptics of global warming. If people choose not to see this film or refuse to listen to Gore’s message, they should be prepared to explain to their children and grandchildren their reasoning.

1. There has been some controversy among scientists regarding the accuracy of scientific claims made by Al Gore in An Inconvenient Truth. I encourage you to check out an article from National Geographic that analyzes some of those claims: Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth" Movie: Fact or Hype?
2. Also, I did a little background research on Al Gore to determine if he is practicing what he preaches in his documentary. Check out this interesting opinion article from USA Today regarding Gore’s environmental practices: Gore Isn't Quite as Green as He's Led the World to Believe.

About Me

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Lauren is currently a senior at the University of Minnesota Duluth, where she is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Community Health Education and a minor in Biology. During her free time, she enjoys the outdoors, cooking, and reading intriguing books.