Friday, January 30, 2009

Reflection: Weeks 1 & 2

Class Happenings
Throughout the first two weeks of class, we were introduced to the course components and expectations. Additionally, we were introduced the mechanisms of blogging.

Environmental Exposure
As a class, we have not yet discussed many environmental issues. We did watch a slideshow created by Dr. V. displaying intriguing quotes about the environment. Also, our class is doing their part to help our planet by communicating and posting our assignments via blog, rather than by using paper. By reading my classmates’ blogs, I have learned that there a variety of unique ways to improve the environment. I am excited to continue my quest for knowledge about the environment!

Brilliant Blogging
While struggling to set up my blog, I realized how incredibly complex the process is. Currently, I have profound limitations in my ability to work with blogs. I know that I will become more confident as I familiarize myself with the application. Overall, this course is definitely going to help me improve my technological skills!

Personal Paradigm
At the present moment, I remain unconvinced about the cause of global warming. My current paradigm has been influenced by my study of Biology and my research on global warming. Along with many scientists, I am not sure that the cause of global warming can be blamed solely on human activity (See: Survey Shows Climatologists Are Spilt on Global Warming). However, I firmly believe in doing my part to protect the environment, weather it is caused by human activity or not.


hschoof said...

I can relate to your frustration with the blog. :) It's taken a few days for me to get the hang of it all and get used to navigating the many different screens.
That's cool that you have a biological perspective on the whole global warming issue. Personally, I don't feel informed enough to take a strong stance, but I think you summarized the feelings of many people, including myself, with your final sentence.

Toby said...

I thought the slid show was an interesting way to get us started with the class too. I am still getting used to the blog thing myself. About Global Warming, I am not seeing the affects at all! It is freezing up here in Duluth, but like Hannah I'm not well informed enough to take an educated stance.

Unknown said...

Hey Lauren!

It's cool that you're minoring in biology with this major... I think it'll be interesting to see the stance you take on subjects compared to people, like myself, who aren't a science minor and aren't quiet as educated in the field as you are!

Jessica said...

I was also very frustrated at first with the whole blogging portion of the class. I am not that great with technology so it was very overwhelming at first. Although I am glad that I got the opportunity to further my knowledge on blogs. I think that by you minoring in biology will help you and give you a different outlook for this class.

Dr. V. said...

I loooooove that you used headers! And that you clearly addressed all the components assigned. Fabulous! Award-winning maybe? Hmmm...I'll let you know!

Dr. V. said...

There's an award for you on my blog!

About Me

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Lauren is currently a senior at the University of Minnesota Duluth, where she is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Community Health Education and a minor in Biology. During her free time, she enjoys the outdoors, cooking, and reading intriguing books.