The environmental documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, follows former Vice President Al Gore’s speech on global warming that he presents in various cities throughout the world. The film outlines issues related to global warming, including extreme weather, droughts, heat waves, and floods. The film also touches on government and corporate policy, greenhouse gas emissions, and carbon gas emissions. Gore’s main goal of the film is to make the issue of global warming a recognized problem worldwide.
inconvenient - not convenient especially in giving trouble or annoyance
truth - the body of real things, events, and facts
moral imperative - a principle originating inside a person's mind that compels that person to act
political issue - a social, economic, theological, spiritual, scientific or legal issue which has become a political issue, as a result of deliberate action or otherwise, whereby people become politically active over that issue
planetary effects - something that is produced by an agency or cause in relation to a large celestial body that revolves around the sun in the solar system
“canary in the coalmine” - coal miners in England and the US brought canaries into coal mines as an "early warning signal" for toxic gases, similar to how our earth is using melting ice shelves to warn us about global warming.
I believe Al Gore has an uncanny ability to educate while engaging people. I thoroughly enjoyed his narrative throughout the film because he conveys his message with humor and confidence. Although I feel that Gore uses many scare tactics throughout his film and that some of his scientific statements were exaggerated, I agree with his overall message: we have entered a period of consequences and we have a moral and ethical obligation to preserve our planet. Too many people are uncomfortable with change. I believe this is a change that NEEDS to happen, weather we want to or not. It frustrates me that the United States is the worst contributor to the global warming problem and the least willing to change. In the end, we are going to create more jobs and wealth in our economy by changing our old habits…maybe this is just what our ailing economy needs! I can’t imagine the disastrous consequences my future children or I will suffer if we choose not to act…our only home is at stake and I want future generations to be able to witness its beauty! I believe that this film is a must see for all people, whether they are believers or skeptics of global warming. If people choose not to see this film or refuse to listen to Gore’s message, they should be prepared to explain to their children and grandchildren their reasoning.
1. There has been some controversy among scientists regarding the accuracy of scientific claims made by Al Gore in An Inconvenient Truth. I encourage you to check out an article from National Geographic that analyzes some of those claims: Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth" Movie: Fact or Hype?
2. Also, I did a little background research on Al Gore to determine if he is practicing what he preaches in his documentary. Check out this interesting opinion article from USA Today regarding Gore’s environmental practices: Gore Isn't Quite as Green as He's Led the World to Believe.
I really liked your post. I thought it was a good idea how you separated the definitions from the movie and layed them out for people to undersand. I also liked the picture you presented. Yes, this change NEEDS to happen! Hopefully we can make a difference.. Great Post!
I agree with you that change needs to happen. Al Gore did a good job opening my eyes to all the problems we have, and made me aware that we really need to act upon it. Good job putting up new terms and phrases.
Lauren: Great post! That picture made me laugh... and yet is really sad! I liked all of your terms that you defined, especially inconvenient... it's such an "everyday" word, that when you define it, it's kind of eye opening to what it really means. I agree with you saying that Gore may be using more scare tactics than necessary but that this IS something that we need to change.. and now! Great job!
Lauren- I really liked your picture!! I agree with you too.. It makes me frustrated to think that the U.S. produces the most gas emissions and we aren't willing to change! It is sad to think we live in a country like that! Things do need to change and hopefully they will soon! Great post!:)
I agree with you Al Gore has the ability to get your attention and draw you into what hes talking about. I liked how you included the definitions and terms! Good Job:)
I agree with you that Gore does a great job engaging his viewers. He does an excellent job wavering his voice when needed (instead of speaking in a mono-tone) and that he added in him own personal statements.
Great job on the additional research, I wouldn't have thought to check on Al Gore's, practicing what he preaches!
Lauren, this is a really great post! First of all, I LOVE the picture - so sad, but so true. Secondly, it is pretty awful that the U.S. is resistant to change. I really appreciate the interesting perspective I gained from studying abroad last year, about how other countries view us and our habits...let's just say it's not always favorable. Thirdly, your additional resources are great! The National Geographic article was very interesting (because I did feel some of Gore's claims were a little far-fetched), and the article about Gore's personal habits was disappointing, but a good reality check - you can't tell people to change and then expect results without first doing it yourself!
Hey Lauren!
First of all, that picture says it all, lol. It's funny, but sadly it's true for the most part. It is really frustrating that we are the biggest contributor to this mess, and the smallest contributor to help clean it up! I agree that going "green" is definitely a change that needs to happen. You wrote a really good review, and I also thanks for defining those terms!
Heya Lauren! Great summary of the movie! Really like how ya said 'too many people are uncomfortable with change', and that's why change isn't happening. It's unfortunate really. But otherwise, great job with summarizing and new terms and additional resources. Have a good one!
I liked how Al Gore had an interesting way of keeping people engaged. I agree that it is frustrating that the US is the highest contributer to global warming but are the least willing to change! I think you had some great points and great pictures. It seems crazy that future generations may one day not be able to see the beautiful things that we have today.
Lauren, I like the picture you included with your post. I thought the same thing when it first came out. I heard bad things about it so I didn't go to see it and now I wish I would have sooner. Al Gore really got to a lot of people I think. I mean if he's done this documentary over 1000 times, that sure has had to of made an impact on plenty of people. Good job with the post.
I like the post picture, good point. It's true though sometimes people like to hear a lie to make them feel better about whatever they are doing. I didn't realize that Al Gore has been a person that has been trying to educate people on global arming for a long time. I had just thought Mr. Gore got on the band wagon of global warming after his Presidential just so he could stay popular. it was a nice documentary by him. Good recap of the Movie.
Good work Lauren. I have thought along the same lines when it comes to what kind of world our children will live in, and how they will have to reap the concequences of our over-looking of this intense issue.
Great post Lauren! I really like your picture! It looks really cool! I really love that you brought up the fact that the United States is the worst contributor to the global warming problem and the least willing to change. It is so true! You also make a great point that in working to solve this issue, many jobs will be created, which will in turn help our ailing economy. Also, your closing statement was bold and thought provoking. You said that everyone needs to listen to Gore's message, and if they don't, they need to be prepared to explain that to their children and grandchildren. Wow!!! Way to put that into perspective!
I like the way you did some background checks on Gore, it is nice to know that everything isn't "just a fraud" like some skeptics say.
Your list of terms was also very helpful. You did a nice job organizing them and linking them back.
I liked the way you reflected on the reading. I feel like you fully understood what Gore was trying to say, yet you weren't completely vulnerable. It is good to know that you were keeping your mind open to the over-dramatic statements he was making. Very good post, I think that overall, we all were very educated and empowered by Gore's message, now let's see who cares enough to make some changes! --S
Awesome job as aways Lauren! I liked how you put the links and additional resources that you used in your review of the film.. I agree with you on many of your views about the film. Keep it up!
That is such a funny and true comic. People really are turning their heads away from the issue.
Thank you for defining the new terms! Really made the reading easier to follow!
I agree, that was Gore's forte was educating while engaging the audience! People are really uncomfortable with change, I can agree to that for sure! You are right, we will have a lot of explaining to do to our children and grandchildren and I think that is such a sad thought, our children might not even know what polar bears are! :(
Great post Lauren!
Your post was really easy to follow and set up very nicely!! You had great hyperlinks and a nice word band full of good definitions. Also, I found your picture humorous, as well as honest!
Hey Lauren, thank you for keeping this review short and to the point! I liked the links you posted for the unfamiliar terms. This was very well organized and I am also disappointed in the US for being one of the worst countries to contribute to the problem. Hopefully more people will do their part after viewing this documentary. =)
I really liked the way that you defined the terms especially the terms that we think we know the meaning,it was helpful for me to have those simplistic terms defined. In addition to the great post, I enjoyed the photo just as much!
Lauren~ Awesome review!! I really enjoyed your extra sites at the end!! You sure did your research on it. WAY TO GO GIRL! Keep it up!!
Good review! I agree that all the signs and facts are there to see that global warming is happening and that we need to do something about it. I think Al Gore did a good job at explaining that.
I Really like the picture it's
Great thoughts!! I've commented on this so much that i don't what to say anymore..:) Anyways i like where you're heading with your thoughts about America. It's sad to know that we're contributing so to this bad phase of our planet while other nations that are not 'supposely' as developed as the US, are doing something about it.
It is frustrating the the United States is the biggest contributer to global warming, and our indrusties are too crooked and politically powerful to be able to be affectd to change. I hope that Al Gore can use his political contacts to surpress the corrutption polictical lobbiest contribute to the unchanging industry.
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